hello semua! long time no see.
i miss you, and i know you miss me too.
i am recently pemalas to update my blog. i've got the idea what to blog but then when it comes to express with word, me stuck.
its three days since new year guys!
2011 was so much miracle to me so i hope 2012 will be as gorgeous as miraculous 2011 ait!
so today i wanna talk about my first blogger gathering! :)
i have the desire long since i started blogging to meet up face to face with the other blogger.
so here comes my chance when Aki and Okayarms who the mastermind of this event to actually grant my wish. which of course to meet you :)
i have so much fun that day despite the late buying present, late attend and so on so on and on.
i am late not because i forgot but let me tell you.
it was 12noon when me and Jonathan (or Adam Levine which fellow blogger such as Tom who i think didn't know his real name hehe) went to Servay Putatan to buy some beverages for the event.
but then suddenly my sister who on that time studying at IPG Gaya called me to brought my celcom broadband to her because she had to use it for her assignment.
so me and him drove back to home and fetch the broadband. and you know what? my sister called again and ask me to buy papaya, pisang panjang, reload celcom and digi and not to forget nasi goreng ayam. hahahaha!
and so i have to buy all of this thing.
but then lagi. she called me and ask me if i already bought nasi goreng ayam or not. so fortunately i didn't buy yet the nasi goreng so that she suddenly change the order and asked me to buy KFC lunch treats instead. what an appetite she and her friend had! hehe
so we drove to IPG Gaya. it is almost 2.30 when we arrived at her hostel.
thanks to my sister generous heart she gave me big tips for helping her hehehe.
and it is almost 3 when we arrived at the venue. but then i forgot to buy present for the exchanging gift. and again we drove back to the nearer superstore. and bought the present (which Chegu Carol got)
i didn't know what to buy already so i just pick up considering the price which rm30 is the max.
i am very ashamed with my gift that i am afraid if Chegu Carol open it up in public..weehehe..
here a some of the pic along the event :)
arrive and take picture |
shery and her sister and amoi aka sasa tien arrived. i am sure they had much to tell about how their journey to the event :p |
piring pun bole bha jadi kipas! hehe |
happy faces |
candid. |
blogger! |
aren't we cute? |
aigu...Arms tertapuk di belakang :p |
the mastermind. ops sory shery. di bawah ada cantik sikit muka ko hehe |
Lengan KUAT! armSTRONG ehe |
reks aka akiborneo..kekeke..pose dia ni ah. |
kami balik dulu :( tidak sempat ikut games. |
makan makan |
with gorgeous Chegu Carol! she is so sporting!! |
cute Aemy :) aigu...kiut oo!! all of this time love to read her blog and this time meet her face to face..indeed kiut!! |
Beaty.. :) beauty o.. |
ok. i wanna apologize to others blogger. why?
as i say tadi di atas. i am pemalas. so..i didn't manage to see others blogger who said will attend for the gathering. and that i didn't really know others. jadi saya manage begambar dgn org yg terkenal la ni kan? hehe..
i am so sorry. next time i will made a list of who others blogger and will greet them first of how i love to drop by to their blog (azam baru ka ni?) hehe
so then. i really hope there will be another gathering!
and that time i will be the most prepared ever! aisehmennnn..