July 25, 2013

Love at First sight.

it was daylight. when i saw her face. laughing, giggling with her friends like no one care.
there's this look in her face that make me wanna know her better. 
it makes me curious. 
who is she.
where she's from.
what she like to eat.
why she laugh so much.
when she will notice me. 
ohh this heart of mine. IS
IS falling, falling deep in this unknown hole of sweetness, palpitation through my heart. 
i am fallen. 
fallen in love with this girl i first saw at the bus stop.

that was then He, my love Fiance fall in love with me.
the time when i really didn't care about anything.
the time i can say my way up life from downward.
the time when i was realized i am not a kid anymore.
the time that i need decision because decision were the answer to my future. 
i did tell you the love story of ours from my before before post on blogs. hehe..

you see. i actually really don't care if my love was first sight or what. 
the only thing i care is. 
the one that will spend the rest of my time with me should be the one that understand me, be there when i need one. and accept me who i am, and accept my family too.
and i glad i found one. 

unlike Jonathan. I am the girl, the one, that first sight, the girl that stole his heart that moment. 
i feel i kinda special you know.
being the one and only :) 


aish. suda la tu ah cerita cinta sy. geli2 pula wakaka. 
i actually wanna share some of our pre wed photo taken using my phone recently.
masi tidak sabar tunggu the original photo taken by Aviebunny! heeeee 

this photo taken from avie's camera. she recaptured it using her phone. and send it to me. :) 

i love this shot! taken from avie's cam! 

you see. this bus stop is where our story began. :) 

cant wait to see all the photo from aviebunny!!! heheheh 

Oh, she doth teach the torches to burn bright!
It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night
Like a rich jewel in an Ethiope’s ear,
Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear.
So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows
As yonder lady o'er her fellows shows.
The measure done, I’ll watch her place of stand,
And, touching hers, make blessèd my rude hand.
Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight!
For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night.” 
― William Shakespeare

“As soon as I look up, his eyes click onto my face. The breath whooshes out of my body and everything freezes for a second, as though I’m looking at him through my camera lens, zoomed in all the way, the world pausing for that tiny span of time between the opening and closing of the shutter.” 
― Lauren OliverDelirium

till next post kawan.
hugs and kisses. 

July 19, 2013

Identity theft

Thanks to someone i spotted a fake fb using my photo. I dunno what to call this person. I prefer them moron with cruel and selfish motive. 

He or she even convinced his or her friend that this is his/her true face photo. Blocked and report this person for me please. Thank you.

July 18, 2013

So Much To DO. and Soooooo Little TIME.

hai. helo. hmm..
feels awkward for not be able to update blog for the past few centuries? decade? wakakaka
i know. u miss me right. hehe miss you too.

actually i was kind of bored looking my old template. i want to change them. but you see. to change and to beautify this blog of mine needs time. energy. mind blowin idea. all sort of thing. and. bad news was. saya pemalas. 

and you see. i am not a very creative. and (mau tambah alasan lagi) i was busy with my life. you know. work. bake. bride-to-be. that kind of stuff. 

but for friends that were following me on instagram, i was actually update segala apa yg berlaku like. every week maybe? kan. 

hehe. just now i post something on Oyen FB trying to persuade her to tukar this template of mine. but then. Shery and Ona comment something that i should be grateful about. blogging or whatever we call this is actually is from our heart. its what our mind want to share to friends out there isn't it? 

ba ok la. will try to update blog la this. biar la my sunmanglish (dusun.malaysia.english) ni ah. hehe.

ba for starting story bout my life or coretan sembarang for today is. i want to share that i bake butter cake today! yay! 

all my cake recipe were all from online stuff. i sometimes change it a bit. and sometimes follow the whole instruction. usually follow all. 

and this time. i follow all. aha! 

and ya. follow all the instruction given. and this is the result! 

i like it. its soft. not very sweet. and i loved it. 
im kinda bit proud of myself (ceh padahal bake yg senang seja pun)

ya. u should try and bake it urself. hehe. 

thats all for today! yeayyyyy i finally get to post something to my blog! big achievement! waakakakaka

till next post kawan!
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