November 15, 2011

for the haters.

you deserve this :) 

October 15, 2011

you know shit?

if shits happens in front of your eyes. embrace it will ya? do I? 

ya. but sometimes its get too much that you can't even get to hold on your anger excite to strikes out.

but whatever it is. it is you who decide whether you can get through it. 

whatever it might be. 
just remember you can handle it 

and so do you! 

October 14, 2011

My Adam Levine :)

my beloved version of Adam Levine :) 

October 13, 2011

Cuterians Gath.

i admit, i am totally excited this coming December!
because i had the chance to meet Arms and Aki aka Reks
actually i am not really thrill to see Aki because i've met him before..hahaha...tidak bah aki.gurau2. :D 

well this gath will be held at Tanjung Aru Beach, which Beach? that will confirm by Aemy later. 
taken date on 18th Dec and time on 2.34pm. 
this gath suppose to be cute. 
define cute? 

who wanna join? 

while thinking of cute. who remember this? 

this game was definitely my favorite! i remember holding the game stick tight because afraid been snatch away from my cousin who love to play this game too. 
and i remember how i take control of the game and not letting anyone play it until i reach the level that i want to. 
i taught this game were cute. 
i might wanna dress like this on the Cuterians Gath?? 
LOL JK. :) 
see ya on the Cuterians Gath! hihi 

October 10, 2011

view when you are drunk.

what a tough body! padahal. 

jadi kaya sebentar. LOL

macam speech la sangat! BAHAHA

hancur o mengayat. 

October 8, 2011

His Best Friend.

Boy: I broke up with her.

His Best Friend: What happened?

Boy: She’s just too much for me.

His Best Friend: What makes you say that? What did she do wrong?

Boy: Well, for one.. She only cared about her appearance. Always had to look good, always took forever to get dressed! So insecure..

His Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she wanted to keep your eyes locked on her? She wanted you to see that you have the prettiest girl under your sleeve and not think otherwise? I see..

Boy: Oh.. Well.. She’d often call me or text me asking where I am, who I’m with, telling me not to smoke, not to drink. She’s so clingy!

His Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she cares about your well being? Because she cares about you a lot? And her greatest fear is losing you. I see..

Boy: But.. Uhh.. Well, she’d always cry when I say something slightly mean. She can’t handle anything. She’s a crybaby!

His Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she has feelings? And because she just wanted to hear you say you love her? I see..

Boy: I.. Well! You know, she’d get jealous easily. I could barely talk to other girls! She’s so annoying! I had to hide it from her so she wouldn’t bitch about it.

His Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she just wanted you to commit to her? She thought you were faithful, but you lied so she could find out later and hurt even more? She just wanted the guy she loves the most to love only her. I see..

Boy: Well, she..

His Best Friend: You broke up with her because she’s good for you? She just wanted the best for you? She’s broken now because you were selfish. Are you proud?

Boy: I broke her heart.. Because I couldn’t see what was happening.. What happened to me?

His Best Friend: You lost the girl that loved you like no one else could. You see? You didn’t want her when all she ever wanted was you. THAT’S what happened.

Think about it, when she’s too much for you.. She just wants the best for you. Because to her YOU’RE the best. If you don’t like something, talk to her about it. You mean so much to her. Don’t just give up. Don’t just leave because you want the easy way out. 

Boys, always find some excuses for themselves and not trying to even notice what is wrong with their own selves. so called EGO! 

October 5, 2011


the new hit song by D.S.N

sorry Datuk. 
but i don't fancy this. 
no offence. 

October 2, 2011

Shopaholic me.

look what i found. 

all of this in just two months. 
there's some i thrown away already. 
sapa anak dato sini? mari saya kahwin XD 
haha..Just kidding. 
i am single but strictly not available :)

Lazy Sunday

today is Sunday, Sun. 
today the sun rise bright in the sky and its exactly totally hot right now. 
though the sun bright like the smiling sunflower, i am not bright inside.
i woke up this morning with a sigh. 
i sigh because i am a lazy crazy bitzy girlz. 
i suppose to finish my research right at this moment. 
but i cannot help myself doing stuff that not necessary done. 
which made my self guilty as hell. 
i feels like wanna shit around and struck anything that come across me with rivalry stylish hairdo. (weird)
ok straight to the point. 
i am a lazy girl who cannot even think how to finish her job. 
all i could only think right now is watch kevjumba with his hilarious video clip on youtube.
i'm kinda fall in love with him. 
feels like i wanna marry him and papajumba be my father-in-law and i gonna be the daughter-in-law who laugh out loud every single day every single hour without even care with the household or everything. 
at least that was my dream.
so yeah. i keep on dreaming. 
long sigh. 
oh God.
procrastinating is a very bad thing kieko!
wake up. wake up.
i need a slap on my face.
ok ok don't slap me. i slap myself. slap! 

don't be afraid to cry. 

September 18, 2011

the number is 22

the big double two. 

yesterday was added another 1year of living. and I officially am 22years old of age. 
there's nothing I want more in my life. I just wish I can be the best that I can be. 
I pray that God help me to be what He want me to be. 
and to do what He want me to do. 

by the way, to all Family and Friends. I really appreciate for the wishes. GBU.

but I was really loved by this one video posted by my dear friend. which at first I the one who told them to do it. 

hahaha. sangat comel! 

amoi, oyen n shery. 
harmonious song. 
tapi yang saya tidak tahan si amoi teriak time part last. 
burst out laughing. LOL

August 27, 2011

parole: No Higher Calling

it's Sabbath! 
song for you! :) 

good luck Shery for your sharing tomorrow 
may God bless you. 
for you and you and yes you. Happy Sabbath and Good Night! :)

August 26, 2011

135 and still counting.

what a great number to view.
is it because my post in my blog are interesting or is it because i am that girl who 'was' actively drop by to others blog and hit follow/join and without hesitation asked that person to follow me back ASAP?
whatever it is. i was happy the way i was before. crazy and desperate for increasing the number.
not to squeezing the brain to pour out words to share.

nevertheless, today i wanna share some trip of me with HIM to Langkawi island last June.
late post of it so sorry.

day 1: arrival via boat aka ferry. straight for the car rental site and off we go to Pantai Cenang..weeheee..check in and then off we go again for the beautiful scenery of Langkawi Island at Langkawi Skybridge. round merry round.

whoring with nicole.

putting those P stands for PALUI means that PALUI person are driving this car. haha

enjoying the view at Oriental Village. 

taken by couple tourist from unknown land who kindly help us capture our photo which didn't come out so good. (there were awkwardness inside the gondola since both the tourist had  quick glance to both of us with suspicious look. i think maybe because i'm cute :D ) 

notice my hair swoosh by the freezy breezy wind which makes me wittily makes poses below

iklan rejoice konon! heh.

lovin this picta :)


feels like oversea :D

day 2: woke up late makes us late for the island hoping trip. but thank God there were two trips a day. so we manage to go for island hoping at 2 in the evening. 
alarm buzzing fail makes us late for the island hoping at 9am. so, after breakfast..we had our walk at those white sand Pantai Cenang. hot-sun-looking-face.

checking out white chicks on their bikini's sunbathing for tanned looking suave body with books on their hand. i was hoping that i could join them and had a blast gossip about last night partay. haha

taken with love by me :)

arrival at the Dayang Bunting Island at 2++ pm :)

chubby face.

monkeys everywhere hoping for a food to be offered. 

Pulau Beras Basah. i didn't see any wet rice here though.

when it comes to taking pictures..i think me captured more better with the angle and so on..hahaha kalah jonathan. (except he was more pro with adjusting the exposure bla bla bla) 

monkey rope..uhh uhh ahh ahh..scratch there scratch here. i am monkey d.luffy.

pukulan kidal.

day 3: last day :( jalan-jalan at Pekan Kuah. bought pretty a lot of very murah chocolate and stuff so on. and we had our eagle captured. 

so sad there's no one to help us take picture so we set timer and self captured. there was this picture we had which we want to jump..but the timer are not set well which caught last while we on land time. sob sob. but funny though haha.


that's it. there were lot of picture. but then its gonna take you long time to scroll down those mouse till you see the end of my post. so this was it. my last but not least trip with sinchan.
hoping for another trip in the future. finger crossed. 

hugs n kisses. 

August 18, 2011

heartwithin: Read this.

that is the promise that made by every parents in this world.
though they might not said it to you face to face.
but, can see it right in front of your eyes that may sometimes takes time to understand or you might not understand it at all.
that is the reality.
so who know you better than the one that stalk on you?
understand you than the one that will hunt you down when needed?

Respect your parents because someday, you will be a father/mother too :)

August 11, 2011

parole: bi-atch

before I continue. caution to those who might get heart attack. this post is for those who can endure bitchy, abysmal word.

why the fuck are you such a moron-multi-selfish-bitch?
i don't care you wanna hate me, cause if you do, it doesn't do any harm to me.
in fact..don't you ever realize that everyone here hated you?!
this world ain't just everything about you! 
even the one that you called your BESTFRIEND forever also can't stand how selfish you are!
i bet your siblings also think like that.
cause you are moron pig!
there's so much gossip i heard bout you.
tidak bayar hutang.
terlalu grandiose.
keluarga kaya. (tp bila pertengahan bulan karau mencari duit)
own an i. sland konon.

FUCK off your ass with your own mouth la.
buduh. babi. anjing. sial. kitai. 
suma ko la. 

July 17, 2011

parole: short post.

"she's a teenage girl Ella, aren't they all moody and unpredictable?"
:::pretty little liars S01E02:::

thank God i'm a young adult. 
which mean i am no longer teenager.
but why am i still moody and unpredictable?


July 15, 2011

Amoureux Du Livre.

amoureux du livre. 
book lover in English.

well, i see no point for me to apologies for the late post or what-so-ever since i do it all over again and again and yes! again.
actually, i have no idea what to blog.
but i really wanna tell ya sumthin'
i currently on my way to reach my goal which wanna read at least 10 books this year.
*finger crossed*

you can see my books on:

i finished Man and Boy by Tony Parsons,
Winter in Madrid by C.J. Sansom
and now 
Sputnik Sweethearts by Haruki Murakami.
 super excited :)

here some pic of the book 

don't get me wrong, i have no idea with what book i desire, i simply pick up what caught my eye and whats motivate me: DON'T JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER.
furthermore, i read the synopsis, quite interesting isn't it?! 
so go buy for you one! 

May 21, 2011

we never knew that time is easily flown away

i really didn't realize that today is 21st of May already!
and i am so sorry for not religiously blogging for the past few weeks.
it seem like i have no idea what to blog about and what to share.
i mean, i have a lot of things to share but the words seems cannot be express simply by pressing this little tiny keyboards as the way i'm pressing it now.
but thanks to Armstrong n Whywhy..seems both of them are the two awesome person who always drop by here! 
thank you thank you..will visit you guys later :')

well, not a lot i want to share. but i really really want to tell you guys that.
is it May is the bride-to-be season?
seems like this end of May i have a lot of wedding invitation to attend. 
instead of celebrating the month of Huminodun.
i will watch two soul to be tie-up together forever.
hurm tidak dapat tingu unduk. tiapa, ada facebook. haha

well i've got two cousins who will be married soon.
and i for sure will be busy cutting onions, ginger, arrange chair and bla bla bla.
hesh..kenapa la drg tidak pilih saya jadi pengapit kan? 

please please 27 may. come fast! 
i want to go home so badly.

May 8, 2011

inspire me: mama, you're the greatest woman i've ever know.

when i was a child. 
i always asked myself,
why mama scold me?
why mama go to work?
why mama said we are poor?
why do i need go to school?
why can't i be friend with the boys?
why mama cried?

and as time passes by. 
i grew up to discover the answer each of it every counted days in my life.
mama scold me because she love me more than herself.
mama go to work so that she can buy me a beautiful doll and serve us a lovely dinner everyday. though she know sometimes the food may not enough for her.
mama said we are poor, so that i can learn how to be independent and know how to survive.
mama said i need to go to school so that i can learn and have a wonderful career so that i will not suffer like her. 
( i remember back then, my mama was a cleaner. she came back home late at night and said to me "nak, belajar bagus-bagus. cari kerja yang bagus-bagus. jangan jadi macam mama. mama susah, kesian kamu mama tidak dapat kasi beli buku-buku yang kau mahu." and she cried)
i listen to her and cried too. 
i really want to say that she really gave us a lot more than she think she have. 
why she cried? 
i could not think of any answers since suddenly i miss mama so much right now :'( 

to think of this Mother's Day.
i really hope that i can hug my mama tightly right now. 
but because of the distance. i can only hear her voice through the phone.
mama, i know that you know i love you soo much.
thank you mama for the guidance, love, patience.
without you, i will not be here in this world today. 

so, to all Mama's in the world: 

i love you Mama. Sinah binti Tulis. i love you! 
and to my sisters too. 
Happy Mother's Day dear Nordiana Abdullah and Roslin Dawai. 
you are the greatest mom i've ever know :) 

April 27, 2011

sing to me: L.O.V.E Girl!

hello! happy Wednesday :) 
how was your day today? 
mine? ugh. pretty not-so-awesome.
well, started from this Monday, i was assigned to do my practical session at Operation Room at Hosp.Tuanku Fauziah Kangar.
so as much as you know, all the pakar-pakar surgeon do their best to bedah people.
yes, cut here, cut there. 
and as for me, student who suppose to study can't do anything.
we can only watch from far like 1-2 feet away.
because it is sterile procedure. 
and futhermore, we can't sit.
we have to stand up at all time like a drip stand. 
but, it is pretty amazing when you watch live procedure that you might never seen it before.
but yes, it is very tiring. 
i can feel how the surgeon feel when they do their job. 
especially ortho surgeon which tukul-tukul tulang, gerudi, skru and bla bla bla. 
the most simplest procedure i've seen is, remove cataract.

ok enough of my nonsense. 
actually, i was doing my research a few minutes ago.
but then i get the tension around my head so i decided to do my daily blogging :) 
so today is wednesday, so i'm gonna share one song that i am currently hearing now.
kalau tension atau sakit kepala trus sy dengar ni lagu :)

enjoy with me :) 
i bet this song was created by Jung Yong Hwa cause he miss SeoHyun..huaa..
i miss this goguma couple :( 

April 25, 2011

inspire me: thank you Armstrong!

that is what my first impression when i read Armstrong commented on my post 

he gave me this funny picture but SO very true! 

now there ladies, all of those sort of thing going on in our head are exactly like that above ain't it?
but, is it eating too much chocolate are kind to our body?
nope. it can lead us to Diabetic honey.
now, gossiping is one thing here. 
we suppose to reduce more gossip.
it is not good to others and to us because its lead to negative impression and FITNAH.
so reduce a bit please. less gossip, less problem. haha 
but, i admit that this mystery moods and behaviors are something that we cannot predict.
sometimes wake up in the morning we are like a princess, but then without any storm or something we girls can become worse than a giant big fat tiger. like tsunami i guess? 
whoa..a lot of thing has to be reduce kan? like shopping, you know la, shop wisely.
and bla bla bla.
but amidst all, here's the thing that matters.
be kind to yourself and others 

and starting this day and ahead 
don't think anything but, 

oh yes! i am very inspired! :) 
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