October 28, 2010

butt on the chair people.

as days goes by..my practical session is over..(actly it is not that over since this saturday was the last day..but who cares! i am done with the stupid staff and all bla bla bla)

anyway.. i am glad that i've been trough all those heavy latent struck rock with oh-so-stupid-people..with a not-sincere-smile, i am waving the ward with no regret at all and showing off only my butt.

haha~! padahal..sem depan ada lagi praktikal shit!

why am I blogging this? this is not my purpose..uhh..don't mind me please..this is how some beauty-perasan like me would say when the cloud turns grey..

okay people..exam is around the corner..so stick your butt on the chair and start reading and don't sleep!

what?? stick your butt on chair and blog? ohh okay..that doesn't count..i prefer that as study also..wakakak..

good luck in exam to my fella classmate..and to those who will be facing any examination..i would say..HIT IT WITH ALL THAT U GOT dowg!

October 17, 2010

i miss the oh-so-fast internet.

of course..i used wimax before..
currently i use celcom brodband and it is sometimes 
yes it sucks.
*long sigh*

October 13, 2010

rude word.

anger is not my ability to suppress, thus i am not perfect.
though i tried, still sinner i am.

these are my real rude word..take a look.

1. ko pikir ko cantik ko bole buat apa seja??!!

2. kenapa la kalo sy ketawa kuat-kuat?ada masalah ka dengan ko?!

3. apa ko tengok-tengok?! ko pikir ko perfect!

4. dei mati la sombong..ni dunia ni ko punya lah! shit.

5. apa juga ko mau jeles??!! tidak senang ka ko tengok org yang lebih dari ko??!! pathetic!

6. kenapa la kalo sy miskin? jadi kalo ko tu kaya ko hebat la? dumbass!!

7. buat apa kalo luar ja cantik tapi di dalam macam setan..persetan ko lah!

8. jangan bha ko p menggete sana..bida sy tingu!

9. sial ko..jaga ko! sy ingat muka ko! kalo ko masuk hospital..sy cucuk-cucuk branula di semua vein ko!

10. haishh shit..keja ko keja ko lah..buat apa ko mau suru..sy pun ada keja bha!!!

11. dei..jangan ko ingat sy teruk sana..seteruk-teruk sy bagitau rude word sy nie..dalam hati ko lagi busuk!! 

see guys..i am this so tyrannical..
God tell me to be patient..but how can i mend this heart of mine which is full of misery bearing all those heavy probs.

i am soo sorry..i am si kiko mulut jahat.
but that is the truth.
i can't hold back my mouth when it comes to the truth.
i may not have the right to say those rude word..and it is not just that..

in advance..i am sorry.

October 11, 2010

the best way to understand LOVE.

though I speak with the tongues of men and of angel,
and have not love,
I have become as sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.

and though I have the gift of prophecy,
and understand all mysteries and all knowledge,
and tough i have all faith,
so that I could remove mountains,
but have not love,
I am nothing.

and though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor,
and though I give my body to be burned,
but have not love,
it profits me nothing.

Love suffers long and is kind;
love does not envy;
love does not parade itself,
is not puffed up;

does not behave rudely,
does not seeks its own,
is not provoked,
thinks no evil;
does not rejoice in iniquity,
but rejoices in the truth;

bears all things, 
believes all things,
hope all things,
endures all things.

Love never fails.
But whether there are prophecies,
they will fail.;
whether there are tongues,
they will cease;
whether there are knowledge,
it will vanish away.

for we know in part and we prophesy in part.

but when that which is perfect has come,
then that which is in part will be done away.

when i was a child,
I spoke as a child,
I understood as a child,
I thought as a child;
but when I became a man, 
I put away childish things.

for now we see in a mirror,
but then face to face.
Now I know in part,
but then I shall know just as I also am known

and now abide faith,
those three;
but the greatest of these is 


October 3, 2010


i am not the one that will always love nature because i hate mosquito and chali.
but..i am concern with our nature.
in fact..i am throwing rubbish to where it has to be.

nowadays, people don't care with the consequences of destroying the nature.
people always said that construction lead human to become more tyrannical.
but the truth is.
when human fall into sin..they already are cruel ever.
it is because the sin itself.

i am sad.
because tree that are healthy in front of our hostel now are gone.vanish. 
due to the development for a better highway.


ini lah pokok yang telah ditumbangkan..huhu...sadis!

cruel.tyrannical. but what can i say.
now..i support GO GREEN.
erm..ada ka website dia tu?
hehhee..tidak apa la...WWF bole jg kan?? kekeke

PEOPLE! stop destroying nature..except for chali and mosquito..kill them as you wish..ngeeehehehe....

October 2, 2010


i am like always pemalas.

tidak datang kerja.
tidak datang ke kelas.
tidak mau makan, malas masak.

dan banyak lagi.

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