July 17, 2011

parole: short post.

"she's a teenage girl Ella, aren't they all moody and unpredictable?"
:::pretty little liars S01E02:::

thank God i'm a young adult. 
which mean i am no longer teenager.
but why am i still moody and unpredictable?


July 15, 2011

Amoureux Du Livre.

amoureux du livre. 
book lover in English.

well, i see no point for me to apologies for the late post or what-so-ever since i do it all over again and again and yes! again.
actually, i have no idea what to blog.
but i really wanna tell ya sumthin'
i currently on my way to reach my goal which wanna read at least 10 books this year.
*finger crossed*

you can see my books on:

i finished Man and Boy by Tony Parsons,
Winter in Madrid by C.J. Sansom
and now 
Sputnik Sweethearts by Haruki Murakami.
 super excited :)

here some pic of the book 

don't get me wrong, i have no idea with what book i desire, i simply pick up what caught my eye and whats motivate me: DON'T JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER.
furthermore, i read the synopsis, quite interesting isn't it?! 
so go buy for you one! 
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