February 17, 2014

Que Serra Serra~~

i am out of word today. but let the pic talk. 

some of the detail i love on my wedding day. Pic taken by Pastelsandcream.com :) 

till next post kawan! 
hugs and kisses. :* 

February 16, 2014

gohssss....Marriage life

I am Married with my (i believe) best Friend! 
four months past. 
till we tie the knot. 
i am happily stay close with him here in Sandakan currently. 
for being married is like, a blessing. :) 
kind of, gift from God. 
to have someone who will love and hate you till forever.
i am actually still not believed that i am married! haha 
anyway, of course after being married and settle down all you will think is... conceived and make the family grow.
that what i am doing now. hahaha 
sory 18sx.

so for concluded my post today. i will share you a pic of me and hubby during our honeymoon in Bali. 

till next post kawan.
hugs and kisses :) 
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